Symbol Archive for Sutton
Movement Writing
Valerie Sutton
The SignWriting
Site, the SignBank
Site, the DanceWriting
Site and the MovementWriting
Site and the SymbolBank
Site are designed and produced by webmaster Valerie
Sutton, the inventor of Sutton Movement Writing.
FileMaker programming by Todd Duell of Formulations
The ISWA is used in the SignWriting Image Server (SWIS), Binary SignWriting (BSW), the SignWriting MediaWiki Plugin and in SignPuddle Software, designed and programmed by Stephen Slevinski.
Globe and Maps by Bill Reese.
SignWriting Symbols and the International SignWriting
Alphabet (ISWA) are designed and invented by Valerie Sutton, and are free to
use under the SIL Open Font License (OFL). To
read more....
is a trademark belonging to Stephen Slevinski.
Sutton Movement Writing & Shorthand is a way to read
and write all body movement. The system includes five sections: DanceWriting, SignWriting, MimeWriting, SportsWriting and MovementWriting. All sections of Sutton Movement Writing are free to use, under the Creative Commons, Attribution-Share-Alike License:

Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0